There are a lot of eco-friendly products out there that are, to be totally honest, unnecessary. However, there are quite a few eco-friendly products that may seem pricey at first but will save you a ton of money in the long run. Here are seven products to invest in for a more sustainable, eco-friendly life.
Silicone Food Storage Bags
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Like plastic, silicone is transparent and flexible. Unlike single-use plastics, it's extremely durable and can be reused. These silicone food storage bags are microwave safe, fridge friendly, can be used in ovens and are dishwasher safe. They’re great to buy in place of Ziploc plastic bags. Even though they seem expensive up front, they will save you tons of money when you don’t have to return to the shops to buy more Ziploc bags.
Beeswax Food Wraps
Another way to keep food fresh while in the fridge is to use beeswax food wraps. These are cotton pieces of fabric infused with beeswax, tree resin and jojoba oil that you can wrap around fruits, veggies or use as bowl covers to keep food fresh in the fridge. Beeswax is naturally antibacterial so it will help your food stay fresh for longer periods of time. To wash beeswax food wraps, make sure to use only soap and cold water, because hot water may melt the wax.
Safety Razors
These razors are amazing! You buy one stainless steel razor for anywhere from $20 to $50 and you NEVER BUY ANOTHER AGAIN! They are perfect for both men and women and there’s no pink tax on them! Not only will you never throw another plastic razor in the trash again, but you’ll never have to pay for one again, either. The blades also last a long time and can be easily replaced once they’re dull. Plus, the blades only cost a couple of dollars for a multi-pack. Each blade can be used for multiple months!
Shampoo and Conditioner Bars
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Shampoo and conditioner traditionally come in plastic bottles which, as we know, are awful for the oceans and environment. Shampoo bars and conditioner bars are much better for the environment. You can buy these at Lush or other eco-friendly shops. The bars can save you money is because they tend to last much longer than liquid shampoo and conditioner.
Reusable Cotton Swabs
I was so amazed when I found out that reusable cotton swabs exist. I bought some a few months ago and I’m still using the same ones. Instead of wasting money buying cotton swabs every couple of months, I just use the same ones. Event though they contain plastic, they are not single use. They are made with a nylon core, but they have soft medical silicone on each end. They are easily washable and can be used thousands of times. Last Swab makes two kinds of swabs: one that has bumpy ends for removing earwax and one that is smooth for removing makeup.
For Parents: Cloth Diapers
Cloth diapers cost much more than disposable plastic diapers because you can use them again and again after washing. Plastic has many toxic components which could cause harmful long-term affects. Those toxic components in disposable diapers end up in landfills or in the oceans. It’s estimated that dirty diapers could be one of the most harmful substances in our oceans today. So, while cloth diapers may seem like a pricey purchase up front, they will not only save the environment, but also save you money in the long run.
For People Who Menstruate: Period Panties, Reusable Pads and Menstrual Cups
Did you know that the average woman will spend over $4,000 on tampons and single-use pads in her lifetime? Or that tampons and pads contain harmful chemicals?
Luckily, there are now a multitude of options for people who want to have eco-friendly and toxic-free periods. Period panties are a type of underwear you can buy that have added layers to help soak up blood from your menstrual cycle sewn inside of them. They are washable and reusable. A popular brand of these is called Thinx.
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Another option is to use reusable pads. You can even find reusable pads that have antibacterial charcoal and bamboo layers to help absorb odors and to help keep you healthy. Wash after use and you can use it again during your next cycle.
The last option is menstrual cups. These can be difficult to insert at first, but you should get the hang of them after a few tries. Menstrual cups are non-toxic silicone cups. When the cup is full, you simply pull it out, clean it and put it back in as you continue your cycle.
All these eco-friendly period products can be used for years and years, which is way better than purchasing new pads and tampons every month.
Bonus: Eco-friendly Laundry Detergent Strips
Over 30 billion of loads of laundry are done in North America each year, and the environmental impact is massive. A load’s worth of today’s leading detergent weighs in at over 40 grams. A single Tru Earth Eco-Strip weighs less than 3 grams, or a whopping 94% lighter! With so much less to truck around, and no plastic jug, Tru Earth Eco-Strips helps you lighten your load on the environment.