The king of the ocean: the killer whale.
Credit: Bullock

Eco-vacations are all about protecting the natural and cultural environment of the places you visit, such as conserving the plants and wildlife, as well as contributing positively to the communities in the area.

Green vacations are an ever-increasing trend in British Columbia. British Columbia is in no short supply of natural and cultural areas to visit, but not all of them have heavily-enforced conservation strategies. When exploring the natural beauty of BC, be sure to be part of the environmental solution – and not part of the problem.

1. Kayak with Killer Whales

Seeing wildlife in its natural habitat is simply breathtaking. The coast off Vancouver is the natural home of the king of the ocean, the killer whale.

The Biggs Robson Bight Ecological Reserve boasts one of the highest success rates for whale-spotting in the world. Nothing gets the adrenaline pumping like having the waves from a whale's breach rock your tiny boat.

2. Bear Viewing with the Bear Whisperer

Wander into the Cariboo Mountains with The Bear Whisperer, a conservationist by the name of Gary Zorn who has dedicated his life to the study of bears. It’s possible to bear-view all  year round. Gary Zorn takes guests into the wild to see the native grizzlies.

It’s possible to bear-view all year round in BC.

3. King Pacific Lodge, A Rosewood Resort

Not all eco-vacations are about camping out in the cold! There are tonnes of ecologically-friendly resorts that focus on limiting the carbon footprints of both their buildings and their guests.

The King Pacific Lodge nestles on Princess Royal Island. While guests can only access this resort by plane, the lodge uses its profits to help preserve the natural wonder of the island and offset the carbon footprint caused by your flight. 

4. Clayoquot Wilderness Resort

If you do enjoy camping, check out the Clayoquot Wilderness Resort in Tofino. The tents provided by the resort feature many of the comforts of home, while still providing you with the feeling that you are in the great outdoors. The resort focuses on keeping its presence a low impact affair in order to allow the wildlife to thrive around it. Accessed by seaplane or boat, this is a great place to design your own eco-friendly safari. 

Escape to Tofino.

5.Kw'o:kw'e:hala Bed and Breakfast Eco Retreat

Aside from having a name that is almost impossible to pronounce, the Kw'o:kw'e:hala Bed and Breakfast Eco Retreat provides those living in Vancouver with a great way eat, sleep and play in a low impact way. Located near Hope, this wilderness lodge is great for a weekend getaway. Stay in a cabin in the forest, explore the white sand beach, indulge in the outdoor natural spa amenities and enjoy some delicious cuisine made from fresh organic garden ingredients.