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A new study has found that hurricanes that bear female names are likely to cause three times as many deaths than hurricanes that are given masculine names. Does the World Meteorological Organization have a secret code when it comes to...
This Sunday, people around the globe will celebrate this year's World Oceans Day with the theme of “Together we have the power to protect the ocean”. Hundreds of events are planned to help people get involved in solutions for a healthy...
Globally, this past April was a real scorcher. It was so hot that it in fact tied with April 2010 as the warmest April on record. Compared to the past four months, 2014 has been the sixth warmest year since...
Energy bosses should think twice before denying the reality of climate change. Corporate executives of major fossil fuel companies could face personal liability for funding climate denialism and opposing policies to fight climate change, according to environmental NGOs. Greenpeace International, WWF International...
With over 300 million tons of new petroleum-based plastic produced every year and only 10% of it being recycled, our earth is in dire need of drastic environmental solutions. After researching a completely biodegradable plastic invented by Harvard scientists and...
There’s a new buzz-phrase out there that’s caught the public imagination, that’s striking a chord with anyone with an environmental conscience who can dare to dream big: Solar Roadways. Solar Roadways is a company with a single purpose: To replace the...
One would suspect that the soils that form on Earth's surface thousands of years ago would have little in the way of carbon. However, the findings of a recent report have been found to be the exact opposite. The ancient...
You’d rather identify plants on Catalina Island than lie on a beach? Or help to remove invasive species from the Grand Canyon than shop for tourist trinkets? Then a Conservation Vacation on Catalina Island or in the Grand Canyon National...
It seems that the future for cleaning away soil contaminates left by industrial waste lies with the mushrooms, or more specifically, a common fungus called white rot. New research shows that this fungus that usually just helps decay fallen trees...
The National Marine Fisheries Service has announced emergency actions designed to protect endangered sperm whales from being caught in the California swordfish and thresher shark drift gillnets. Fishing with drift gillnets involves setting mile-long nets at dusk that drift freely where...
Today is World Turtle Day, and to celebrate, the Aussie-owned villa in Galle, Sri Lanka, is helping to bring attention to the country’s Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project. The collaboration between Templeberg Villa and Kosgoda Sea Turtle Conservation Project (KSTC Project)...
Its common sense, isn't it? As temperatures increase globally and the growing season gets longer, trees and shrubs in colder climates will see an increase in growth as a result of the longer growing season. However, a new study finds...
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